I've Found Something

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Please enter the code on the item you have found, not including the hyphens.

Over 10 Million
Mobile Devices
are lost every year....
UseFIDO to get yours back!
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Happy FIDO Customers

  • Just received our family pack. So reassured to know we have a greater chance of getting our belongings back if lost!

    N. Blake

  • I think i’ve got a FIDO tag on all my personal items, my phone, keys, tablet and in my purse! Love that they’re all covered.

  • My partner ordered me a luggage pack for holiday, so i’ve put one on my handbag as well just incase I lose it!

  • I thought I had lost my car keys and was going to have to pay out a fortune, turns out I had left them in Tesco and someone reported them found with FIDO! Amazing, saved me a complete nightmare!

  • I lost my iPhone, and within 24 hours I had it back all because of useFIDO! Over the moon, highly recommended, SO HAPPY!

Fido Corporate

FIDO can tailor a specific corporate package to your requirements based on how many employees you have in your business, and provide our unique, simple and effective FIDO range of products for your employee’s IT and Mobile equipment.

You can get in touch with FIDO today to discuss how we can help you recover your lost employee items.

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